[email protected] | 깃허브 | 링크드인


관심 분야

HCAI, HCI, Server, Productivity, Generative AI, AI-Education, AI-Art, Economy, Human-in-the-loop

🏫 학력

경산과학고등학교 2015.03 ~ 2017.02 조기졸업

💼 업무

육군사관학교 Big Data Researcher

The Miilk Software Engineer

노트하우 Software Engineer

📚 International Publication

PromptCrafter: Crafting Text-to-Image Prompt through Mixed-Initiative Interaction with LLM

ICML 2023 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence & Human-Computer Interaction [workshop]

Seungho Baek, Hyerin Im, Jiseung Ryu, Juhyeong Park, Takyeon Lee

Is the Skull Man or Woman?: An End-to-End Framework for Sex Determination of 3D Skull

CVPR 2023 Workshop on Learning 3D with Multi-View Supervision [workshop]

Seungho Baek, Takyeon Lee

Is It Really Useful?: An Observation Study of How Designers Use CLIP-based Image Generation For Moodboards